Monday, 22 August 2011

Pengalaman sakit gigi geraham bongsu

Malam 17 Ramadhan, saya diserang sakit gigi yang abnormal. Rasa berdenyut-denyut di rahang dan sakit kepala yang ekstrem serta demam dan selesema. Dah la masa siang tu saya keluar bergembira dengan kawan di jalan TAR. Shopping raya lah katakan sebab bonus dah masuk. Kawan saya buat lawak, katanya saya kena curse sebab sepatutnya Hari Nuzul Quran kena baca quran, bukannya pergi berjalan. Ok lawak itu sangat sinis! -_-"

Pagi esoknya dengan perasaan yang tak dapat ditahan-tahan lagi saya terus ke klinik di Bangi. Mula-mula saya pergi ke klinik swasta kononnya sebab nak cepat, tak nak beratur panjang di klinik kerajaan. Menurut doktor, gigi bongsu saya nak tumbuh tapi tak cukup ruang jadi dia tumbuh melintang dan menolak gigi depan sebab tu lah rasa sakit dan gusi membengkak. 

macam ni la gigi saya. ia dipanggil horizontal wisdom tooth.

Doktor tak pasti sama ada satu atau dua batang gigi yang perlu dicabut, jadi doktor bersihkan dulu gigi saya (scaling and polishing) lepas tu barulah mulut saya kena x-ray.

imej x-ray gigi saya.. 
sebijik macam lakaran gigi yang saya google di atas tu kan?
anak panah: gigi bongsu kesayangan saya yang tumbuh melintang

Nasib baik tak ada bahagian yang berlubang, jadi doktor advice supaya saya buat removal gigi melalui minor surgery. Tak boleh cabut macam biasa kerana keadaan pertumbuhan gigi saya yang agak complicated. Kemudian doktor bagi buat appointment pada hari selasa, mungkin tunggu bengkak surut dahulu baru boleh remove gigi. Kos untuk scaling and polishing, x-ray serta ubat penahan sakit dan antibiotik, semuanya berjumlah RM135. Kaching!! (ada bunyi mesin duit di situ ye).. Kos untuk buat minor surgery? Pekerja klinik di kaunter tu cakap RM450+. Mulut saya terus ternganga. Masa tu terbayang-bayang duit bonus sedang melambai-lambai selamat tinggal pada saya.

Tak boleh jadi ni! Jadi saya buat keputusan untuk ke klinik gigi Bangi. Masa tu dah pukul 2 petang, sepatutnya sesi untuk appointment rawatan sahaja. Masa mula-mula saya jumpa nurse di kaunter pun dia bertegas supaya saya datang esok pagi. Harapan saya hampir musnah, tapi saya cuba juga lah buat muka kesian mintak ihsan dengan nurse tu, saya cakap sakit sangat tak boleh tunggu dah. Berkat usaha saya, nurse tu pun macam kesian tengok saya jadi dia suruh saya isi borang dan ambil no giliran. YES!! Alhamdulillah..terima kasih la Kak Misi ye, kakak sangat baik dan cantik!!

Saya menunggu lebih kurang dalam sejam jugak la sebelum dapat berjumpa dengan doktor. Disebabkan klinik tu tak ada peralatan yang mencukupi, dia terpaksa forward kes saya ke Pakar Bedah Mulut di Hospital Kajang. Appointment pada 9 September 2011, iaitu selepas raya. Saya hampir hilang akal sebab kena tunggu lama sangat, masa tu memang tak tahan sakit. Balik rumah saya terus bukak puasa dan makan ubat. Ok kantoi tak puasa tapi nak buat macam mana, memang tengah sakit tak boleh fikir apa dah. Huhu..

Sekarang ni dah masuk hari ke 6 saya sakit gigi. Memang terpaksa bergantung pada painkiller sahaja, itu pun masih terasa sengal-sengal di gusi.. Nasib baik selesema dah makin baik walaupun hidung kadang-kadang tersumbat. 

menu berbuka dan sahur: painkiller, antibiotics, ubat demam

Tak pe lah saya cuba bertahan.. Orang kata sakit ni penghapus dosa-dosa kecil. Think positive ok!! Sila doakan semoga saya dapat mengharungi hidup ini dengan tabah sehingga 9 September ni ye. (ceh..ayat macam nak mati dah kan..? huhu) Saya akan update cerita tentang sakit gigi ni lagi selepas minor surgery tu..Sekian sahaja untuk hari ini.. Salam dan selamat berbuka puasa ;)

*Apa pun saya sangat bersyukur kerana masih lagi dapat merasa pahit, manis, masam, masin makanan dan saya masih lagi berselera makan walaupun sakit gigi dan demam. Sekurang-kurangnya Allah tak tarik semua nikmat dari saya. Tuhan masih mengasihani saya...Alhamdulillah!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

of wedding reception & sepetang @ Mc D

It was July 10th 2011, Mr F and I went to a wedding ceremony (Mr F's coursemate- Alon & Dazwan). The reception was held at Dewan Gemilang UKM. So I took the chance to get along with Mr F's friends. They were all very friendly and treated me well.

meet these happy fellas =)

with the newlyweds
*ambil berkat konon-konon


After an hour of borak-borak, makan-makan and take pictures we finally said goodbye to each other and met the newlyweds to bid congratulations on their wedding and then left. End of story for wedding ceremony.

*                    *                    *                      *                     *                     

Next, after attending the ceremony we decided to go jalan-jalan first before going back home. I felt a bit hungry so we dropped by Mc Donald's Bangi and had our so-called "tea break" there.

don't you think it's quite late for a newspaper reading time?
me think so! =D

our evening meal- two sets of BIG MAC

of course he had to shoot my pose too ;D

Anddddd, the next pictures are motive-less. So don't waste your time scrolling down this post okay. I put them along just for fun. Remember, I've warned you.. =D

love watching him driving

I just can't live without this

trying hard to look cute
final result: failed

these wedges have been servicing me more than 1 year and counting ;)

his brand new spectacles

one of my best shoot, shifting the gears

Uhh well, I know I shouldn't write this publicly but I'm missing Mr F so much. Even we had big fight or anything that doesn't sound nice but I can never get him off my mind. He's not well right now (I hope he will get well soon) and the fact that he is busy with work is something that I should be more understanding and not only think of my own emotions. Sobs*

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Elianto make ups

Salam and happy celebrating the fasting month, Ramadhan al-Mubarak to all my muslim friends! I was away from blogging a little while since I went to Mersing for a two-week Kursus Induksi Umum. It was a tiring trip; the weather was notoriously changing (hot, sunny in the afternoon and rainy in the evening). I've been sunburned because joining a lot of outdoor activities and it was extremely intense during the first week! Thanks to delicious food served, the least thing I would appreciate besides making new good friends there. Ah~~ I don’t want to elaborate much on that. We’ll discuss about this kursus later k ;)

Now I want to share with you about make up products. Well, I’m not really into make ups, but suddenly I feel like I have to learn some basic make up. One week before I went to kursus, I accompanied my friend to Elianto because she’s buying some make up stuffs. I actually wanted to survey M.A.C make up for hantaran, but I changed my mind because M.A.C products are ridiculously expensive. So suddenly I feel interested to try Elianto products first. So here are the catches of the day:

10-pieces eye shadow
I bought these separately (mix codes and colours)
and display them into one eye shadow box
*the colours looked boring but believe me, they are amazingly blend well with skin

fionato blush
02 peachy pink

oatmeal & milk face mask
I got this with 50% off from the actual price (RM3 each)
this mask smells a bit fragrance

Brush set
consist of a set of brush for various usage
(blusher, lip linear, eye brush etc.) and two sponges

Got free gift! *grin
this make up pouch worth RM36 if I'm not mistaken

all the products that I've bought

So far I'm satisfied with all these products from Elianto. I will try to use them wisely, and I'll post some of the pictures of me with make ups on. 
Right now I'm in the recovering mode to get rid of the sunburn first okay =D


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